I care for you though you ask me not to..
i search for your presence always, knowing that you wont be there..
its not true that you never show concern towards me..
its just that you never show it to me..
when i can see your pain even while you smile..
do u really think i cant read your mind..? :)

Hi Suma, thats an awesome way of expression and good thinking too..:)
Keep it up..:)
and wats up? no frequency @ Blogs these days..any ways.. be happy and wish u all the best ..:)
Excellent Write up.....Beautiful Poem Dear :) :)
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thanks a lot for your comments :) thanks for stopping by :)
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Oh you have a spam message dear! remove that! They spoil your space.
This is a beautiful message, and I was smiling when you ask if you could really read his mind? :)
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